Kosovo Info

American key fobs are made in Kosovo

KOSOVO – Kosovar company Tekfuze makes over a million key fobs every year, for a large multinational corporation.

About 44 million used vehicles change hands each year in the USA. Many of them aretekfuze-key-fobs missing remotes or have only one key fob. Furthermore, remotes get lost or “fall in the toilet”, says Glenn Noble, CEO of Tekfuze. “So, there is a huge market.”

Noble, an American who has now lived for ten years in Kosovo , loves the country. “People here are young, and they are motivated.”

‘A lot of opportunities’

According to the entrepreneur, the young Balkans state is constantly changing. “And you find opportunity in change. So, whatever Kosovo will look like in five years, it will be a different country. And that means that we have a lot of opportunities.”

Key fobs for US market create jobs in Kosovo

Currently, eight full time employees are active in Tekfuze. But “within a couple of months”, the Pristina based company would provide thirty Kosovars a job.

This sounds like good news for the region, that has a big percentage of unemployment. “I think that Kosovo is more than ever ready for successful businesses. That is a big difference with ten years ago, or maybe even two years ago.”

Labour is cheap
Kosovo is currently ranked number 66 (out of 192) in the international doing business index. Labour is cheap, and taxes are low. See for more details our Doing Business in Kosovo page.

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