Kosovo Info

Hundreds of Kosovars work at Swiss call center

PRISTINA – Every day, thousands of Swiss people receive telephone calls out of Kosovo. The reason: hundreds of German speaking Kosovars work for the call center Baruti. The office is based in the capital Pristina.

The Swiss call center has currently 240 people deployed. The employees are active in call center baruti teammarketing research, and customer care. They do everything in the German language, for the German speaking market.

“There are 15.000 German speaking Kosovars”, says Drenusha Shala, who is the CEO of Baruti (in front of the picture). “These persons are born in Germany or Switzerland and have returned to their homeland, Kosovo. Our company offers high quality, because of their perfect language skills.”

Call center keeps growing

Shala is just 26 years old, but already leading a pretty big company. “Till a while ago, I knew every one by name. But that has become very difficult, since we hired dozens of new people in the last months.” And that will become more difficult, since Baruti expects to grow to 550 jobholders, in 2016. Some of them work full time, some of them part time. The office has their own cafe, where people can rest and have a drink.

Skills from Switzerland

“Me and my staff took our management skills from Switzerland, where we were born and raised. In 2012, when we started the company, we were a regular startup. I even cleaned the bathrooms myself.” Drenusha Shala had a list of hundreds of Swiss companies, that she just called by phone to offer their services. “If you have a software provider in Switzerland, and you have to hire your own customer care person, it will cost you 6.000 euros. We can offer that for sixty per cent cheaper.”

In the beginning, companies were very surprised by the fact that a Kosovar call center would handle their customer care or marketing research. “Some people even asked me if cars and internet exist in Kosovo.” Now, three years later, no one will doubt about the quality. “We have a great reputation, both in Switzerland, as in Kosovo. And that is not strange, because Kosovo has a European focused culture, and many talented, and intelligent young people.

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