Kosovo Info

Kosovars develop apps for Canadian firms

“It is possible for Kosovars to be involved in very big companies in Canada and the United States. When you have a laptop and an internet connection, you can work for clients to moffice of LinkPlus IT in Pristinaake billions of revenue.” This is not only the opinion of Ermal Sadiku, CEO of LinkPlus IT, but also his own experience.

The company was founded in 2013, and continues to grow everyday. Linkplus IT is a software development company, that focuses on web and mobile applications. “Foreign clients from the airline, automotive, and the telecommunication industry, outsource their work to us.”

Right now, twenty people are working in the office, located in Pristina, Kosovo. Five employees work in another office in Skopje, Macedonia.

‘This was ten years ago impossible’ – CEO of LinkPlus IT

Ten years ago, it was impossible for Sadiku to think about a success like this. “The work force was not ready yet, and internet was not that much developed here. Therefore, it was very difficult to tell someone that you wanted to do something in Kosovo.”

But things have changed, and not only in Kosovo. Sadiku: “The global community is moving towards outsourcing. Years ago, you did not have much contact with your client during your time of the project. After a couple of weeks, you showed the results. Nowadays, my employees have a daily contact moment with their client. This makes the chance on failing a project much smaller.

For LinkPlus, it is now easy to find new customers. Sadiku: “After working successful with one client, it’s easy to find another one. Companies do trust us now. We have a major client in Canada, and I can use that fact to find other businesses.”

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