Kosovo Info

Begu: ‘Let nobody stop you from your idea’

The Global entrepreneurship week (GEW) in Kosovo came to its end, the last day of a very successful week.

The day started with the young generation as KYC organizes the Assembly of student council of Kosovo. global_entrepreneurship_week_kosovo_15Where students have the chance to speak up for their ideas on a better education, what they like and what, according to them, will give them a better education. As on this assembly meeting, students had the chance to hear success stories of startups becoming great businesses.

As Uranik Begu (Executive Director of ICK) refers to the students as: “Your voice will and should be heard. Besides education, do your research and choose what you want to do, see what is needed and let nobody stop you from your idea.”

A basic training for young entrepreneurs was also organized by KUSA, where young people had the possibility to learn and understand about entrepreneurship. Where there come questions in mind as what makes an entrepreneur an entrepreneur? What are the challenges of an entrepreneur? And so many more questions that have been answered through this training. Organized by KUSA was also a visit to Royal Hospital, having the chance to see the organizations hierarchy of the hospital and see that team work in every business is needed. There is no sleep for the once that work hard.

Another great Project has been launched by Jakova innovation center (JIC); they have done a presentation on their project on Women in online Work (WOW). Where there has been a discussion on how women can be involved in the online work.

Within this day, there have been Bar Camps in Ferizaj, Gjakova and Peja, which were organized by Ipko Foundation. Were all had the chance to learn more about entrepreneurship and what is the best way to understand it.

Organized by College Universum and Kosovo Business Angels Network (KOSBAN), give us along the GEW, the global race of Get in The Ring. Get in the Ring is one of the most attractive races of startups. Startups are changing the world. They develop innovations and that in a very fast way. Get in the ring gives the possibility of a platform to challenge one another to the grand prize, which means their business financing from foreign and local investors. As GEW closed the day and the week with a warm party, where partners and others were welcomed to once again celebrate this successful week, and say goodbye.

This year GEW gave us a reminder of all the great things entrepreneurs have the chance to experience. As on this week we are leaving behind all these activities, showing us that we hold the spirit of an entrepreneur and that were are able to make it form a start up to a business This week might be over, but be patient next year will be even better with more variety on activates and more partners to join our family. Thank you to every single entrepreneur spirit that joined us this week, till next year.

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