Kosovo Info

Modern factory for window decoration

To compete with the global market for window decoration, a modern factory has opened in 2012 in Kosovo to produce interior window decoration CE-window-decoration-roomand zip screens.

C&E Window Decoration takes the raw materials from The Netherlands and makes the blinds in Mitrovica, Kosovo. “We have sixteen employees in our factory”, says founder of the company, Petrit Ibrani. His business received a couple of years ago financial support from the Dutch Foreign Affairs.

Ibrani: “Window decoration is not ‘just a product’ anymore, it is becoming an essential part of a modern interior in every house and office.”

Window decoration from Kosovo

Many Kosovar houses are now decorated with blinds from C&E Window Decoration. Two hotels and an office in The Netherlands are embellished as well with products of the Kosovar company. But of course, the Kosovar entrepreneur wants to do more. “At the moment, we are trying to find customers in Europa.”

Next to blinds, the company also offers motors for blinds. On their facebook page, a video explains the quality of one of their products.

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