Kosovo Info

What would a start-up be without investors?

What would be a start-up without the investors? The second day of the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Kosovo started with theme of Investors.

The second day of the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) global_entrepreneurship_week_kosovo_6started with a great round table, hosted by American Chamber of Commerce, on contract enforcement for start-up business. This was in cooperation with USAID, promoting the importance to “Put It on Paper”. It is important to have contracts, because when you put it on paper means not just going along with the law, but shows how serious the business is for you.

The next step on how to give life to your idea of a start-up, is that you need to follow up with the global trends. The event hosted by ICK gave a chance to learn on how business consultants of CSR helps you understand how to behave as an entrepreneur, by giving back for a stable society, environment, and prepare you for the business world.

‘Start-ups are very risky’

What would this week be without the tradition of ICK’s Business Tuesday? This time, ICK added a great panel of professionals giving their first starts offs as entrepreneurs and showing that a failure here and there will make you a good entrepreneur. Start-ups are very risky, and that is a global issue, but to build your business of a start-up its preferred to push it as far as you can with your own resources, and that will help you bring the investors in. Because as much as you develop the idea to an active business, investors are more willing to invent in your start-up.

As the panelists agreed on that: “Invest first your money and push the business as far as you can, start to make at least one costumer, and do your homework”, and then the Angel investors will kick in. Angel investors in Kosovo are increasing, they are mostly the ones that first started as a start-up and succeeded. All you need to do is look for them and talk to them.

As a start-up you don’t need to not be scared, now in these is years it is even easier as ICK and its partners keep their doors open for start-ups, to mentor you, give you advices, or if they don’t know they can take you to those that know.

Steve Jobs
The day can’t be closed any better by watching the movie of a great entrepreneur of no other than Steve Jobs, at the AUK amphitheater.

Who can be an entrepreneur? Is it based on gender? In the upcoming events you will understand what the role of gender has to do with being an entrepreneur. Stay with us as we will keep you updated.


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